EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy
EMDR is a type of therapy that helps process difficult life experiences that have impacted how we view the world or ourselves. Sometimes you experience an event that you and others would identify as traumatic. This event may pop up in your mind unexpectedly, you may have nightmares, or you may feel upset when you’re reminded of what happened.
Other times though you may feel anxious, reactive or feel bad about yourself. You might have tried to reason, think, or research your way out of these difficulties. While knowledge and coping skills have been nice to know, it hasn’t helped like you’ve hoped. EMDR can be another route as sometimes our past experiences are impacting our present life even if we haven’t experienced something that’s considered traditionally “traumatic”. EMDR can be really useful for those who tend to be very in their head and are still wanting more relief.
EMDR is considered more of a somatic therapy and helps facilitate the brain’s natural process of healing. The process may sound a little different than other approaches but has years of strong research backing. I love offering EMDR because it works so well. My clients see progress around difficulties that they have been struggling with for years in a relatively short period of time. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to see if EMDR is a good fit for you.
Click here to learn more about EMDR works.
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